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10/24/2024 -- 11th Grade British Literature and Composition

Students will write a rough draft discussing (1) the various social classes described in The Canterbury Tales: The General Prologue OR (2) the direct and indirect characterization of the travelers in The Canterbury Tales: The General Prologue.

If you use AI, make certain that you print the information as a reference and bring it to class on Tuesday with the completed rough draft. If I suspect that your rough draft has been composed by AI and you haven't turned in the AI document, then I will consider the rough draft as a no-show.

While using AI is frowned upon when writing an essay or any assignment, it can be beneficial when doing research. You use AI as a reference and use the information you gather from AI to compose your essay. This means that you read the information that AI shares with you and summarize/paraphrase the information to use in your essay. REMEMBER that I want to read YOUR essay, not AI's essay.

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