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Language Arts 6th/7th Grades August 22-26

While these assignments are not assigned for a particular day, please remind your child that work should be started as soon as possible. If the work is divided between several days, it will not seem as overwhelming.

Grammar: Complete page 14 in Easy Grammar. Study the list of

prepositions through the word "near" for a quiz on

recognizing them scheduled for Wednesday.

Literature: Read the story on pages 20-22 in the literature book and answer

the questions on page 23. The questions do not have to be

copied, but they should be answered in complete sentences.

Vocabulary: Write sentences with words 12-20 on the vocabulary list. Study all twenty words for a vocabulary test on Tuesday.

Cursive: Complete the sections for Thursday, Friday, and Monday in the cursive workbook. Using the laminated copy of the cursive alphabet as a guide, work on writing your first and last name.

Write your name in cursive on the paper on which you do your

vocabulary and literature written assignments.

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