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Biology Animal Project instructions

Animal Kingdom Project


Choose 3 unusual animals that you may want to do a project on and submit them to me.  Anything you would see at a typical zoo is off limits.  Google unusual animals or something like that for ideas.  I will advise you on which animal to do.  Turn this into me by Tuesday the 23rd.


Your project will consist of a trifold board that will stand up and a 3D part of the project.  You will get a grade for the info on the trifold board and a separate grade for the 3D project.  You will be graded on information presented, effort, and creativity.


Your trifold board will have to have the following information about your animal:


Eating habits

Where this animal is located


Description of the animal

Lifespan average

Cool facts about your animal.


These will be due on May 9, 2024.  If there is a conflict with that date you must make arrangements to bring in earlier because that is hopefully our last day of class.


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